Enlist your Co-Workers


Sometimes you need a boost… some inspiration to make it to the gym or to motivate yourself. Finding someone at work to join you could be the answer – or creating challenges for you and others to complete as a “team” could be another way.

By using the “challenges” I have posted or creating your own like: this week will be the week of no sweets, you can encourage your co-workers to participate and try to set goals for one another. I find at times that peer pressure and competition is the best fuel.

Healthy Cooking

We’re getting close to the holidays where eating healthy becomes a lot harder. It’s quick meals spiked with peppermint mochas and sugar cookies. It’s easy to forget your health and just focus on the deliciousness of the season, while telling yourself it’s only because of the holidays.

But once you have those sweets – it’s hard to put them down. I have the same trouble with Halloween candy. I can go without candy all year long but once Halloween or Easter come along and the candy is in front of me, I crave it on a daily basis.

I came across a great healthy cooking blog that I wanted to share with you all. Many test some of these recipes out for the holidays!

Oh She Glows Blog

Advice from an Old Soul


I don’t typically write too much on this blog. As I said from the beginning, this is more of a power-house of information I find from various sources that help me with either nutrition, working out, healthy habits, etc. But every once in a while I like to take the time to write something from “me”. Something I don’t get to do too often.

In a world where social media is the corner-stone to almost every facet of life, I like to bring things back. It’s ironic that I’m saying this while writing a blog – but in reality, I don’t like social media. I feel that too much information about you personally is being shared to the public… things you might not share to everyone if you were face-to-face. I use classic examples of engagements and baby announcements. So many of my friends have shared these life-changing events, on social media before even telling friends and family either over the phone or in person. To me, that’s wrong. Sure it’s fun to look at and I enjoy every minute of “catching up” with old friends, etc. via their feeds – but there comes a time when we need to rein it back.

Now the link to the gym. Too often you see people on their phones the entire time they are at the gym. Whether it’s looking at facebook, reading articles, going to buzzfeed…you name it, I’ve seen someone do it. How much of a good work out are they really getting? Sure you can multi-task to a certain extent, but can you really do, say a HIIT workout, with a cell phone in your hand? The answer is no. So my advice, my rant, my experience – teaches me to put down the phone and focus on the task at hand. (And stop with all the selfies 😉